What is Search Engine Rankings


Many business owners know that they should seek the services of search engine optimization company. However, very few of them understand what search engine rankings mean. As a result some of them hesitate to seek the services of SEO companies. And those who do face the challenge of finding the right Seo company for their websites. So to help you gain better understanding of what search engine rankings mean and the importance of SEO, here are some facts that will explain some of the basics of search engine optimization.

What is search engine rankings? Search engine rankings is the ranking of your website when internet users search for a product, service, item or topic that is related to your site. For example, if you have a restaurant, when someone search for a restaurant in your area, if you have high search engine rankings, he will see your site on the first page of the result. It is where your site will be when users search for your products or services.

How important is search engine rankings? Search engine rankings is very important because up to 80% of internet searchers do not pay attention to the sponsored results and instead automatically chooses the organic results. In other words with high ranking, you will have more visitors to your site. These visitors are interested in what you have to offer since they searched for the product or service that you are offering. This gives you the chance to increase your profitability. This is particularly important when it comes to Google search because when it comes to internet search engine market share, Google has about 70% market share.

How to improve your search engine rankings? One way to improve your ranking is by search engine optimization or SEO. SEO is offered by SEO resellers. With a good SEO company to optimize your website, your ranking will gradually increase. This will result in more traffic and more profit. With higher ranking you will attract more customers to your site. Moreover, you will be able to turn them into loyal customers. This is because according to 57% of marketers, when it comes to lead generation, SEO has the greatest influence.

How to find a good search engine optimization company that will really improve your search engine rankings? In finding a good SEO services, you need to make sure that the SEO can deliver what it promises. You therefore need to look at the rankings of its other clients. Second, you need to make sure that the SEO company includes in its services internet marketing or online marketing. Online marketing is important in optimizing website but it is also important in your overall web presence. Even Google knows the importance of online marketing that its first Tweet was in 2009. The Tweet was Im feeling lucky. Third, make sure that they include in their services optimizing your site for mobile users. This is because it is predicted that by 2014 there will be more mobile internet usage than desktop computer usage. With these you will be able to find a good SEO company for your website.

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